Eclipse season in Astrology highlights the lunar nodes and one's Soul path to growth and evolution in this life. From September 18th through October, there's a cosmic current inviting us all to step into a new identity, one that perhaps has been developing the last several months and is a truer reflection of who we are.
What is Eclipse Season
Eclipse season is an astrological time that happens twice a year for several weeks that highlights the lunar nodes. The lunar nodes are not material masses in the sky like a planet but are energetic points between the orbit of the moon around the Earth and the orbit of the Earth around the Sun. There are two points where these orbital paths intersect, and these mark the lunar nodes. A good diagram is always helpful.

There is a north node and a south node. The north node is the intersection point of the two orbits where the Earth is moving towards, but hasn’t crossed yet. The south node is the intersection point where the Earth has already moved passed.
An eclipse occurs when the points of the lunar nodes align with the new moon and full moon, and when this happens, the moon, Sun, and Earth obscure the other from view for a short period of time because of this exact alignment with the orbital paths.
It’s also worth noting that not every eclipse is a “full” eclipse, meaning that the moon completely obscures the Sun during the new moon phase or that the Earth completely obscures the moon during the full moon phase.
We can have partial eclipses when the position of the nodes are very close to the exact time of the new moon and full moon, but not exact. It all depends on your geographical location on Earth. If you’re confused, I totally get it. This YouTube video by National Geographic is worth a watch if you really want to understand the astrophysics behind this time.
In terms of the translation to our human experience, eclipse season means that the lunar nodes are being activated in the sky and therefore also in our lives.
The Lunar Nodes in Astrology
The lunar nodes stem from Vedic Astrology. They are sometimes referred to as “shadow planets” because, during an eclipse, it appears that another celestial body is somehow obscuring either the Sun or Moon. A celestial body isn’t doing this; rather, it is the particular position of the Sun, Moon, and lunar nodes that creates this visual effect.
The lunar nodes are often described in Astrology as the Soul's path to evolution and growth. The energy of the south node shows what your Soul has already done, and the energy of the north node shows what your Soul needs to develop and learn to heal past karma and evolve.
This spiritual interpretation is so beautifully reflected in how we see the nodes calculated on the physical plane. The Earth has already crossed the point of the south node, while it has yet to cross the point of the north node. We all have a north and south node placement in our natal charts, revealing where these energetic points were located when we were born. The Zodiac sign and House placement of your lunar nodes, along with any planets involved, reveal specific details around the path and journey your soul is walking in this life. Your south node placement is connected to past lives, familiar patterns, and your “comfort zone,” while your north node placement shows inexperience, energy to be developed, and unknown territory. There is inherent fear associated with the north node because it calls us out of our comfort zones and into new experiences.
Eclipse season in Astrology is a time that activates this deeper soul journey. There can be a stirring on a deeper level of your being that’s correlated with your life path. During this time, you could feel a push and pull between your comfort zone, the way you’re used to doing things and being in the world, and a part of you that’s calling you into something greater. It can be exhilarating and exhausting, depending on your life circumstances and current chapter.
Every eclipse season has unique characteristics and qualities depending on where the lunar nodes are located and if any other planet is involved. Keep reading to learn about the eclipse season taking place from September 18th to October 2nd (and arguably the entire next lunar cycle in October 2024).
Technical Astrological Description of this Eclipse Season
While many Astrologers share that this eclipse season is taking place between the Virgo/Pisces axis because that was where the Sun and Moon were located during this last full moon, the lunar nodes are currently located between the Aries/Libra axis, with the north node in Aries and the south node in Libra. The energy right now is calling in the cusp of these Zodiacal polarities (the cusp of Virgo/Libra and the cusp of Pisces/Aries).
Not every Astrologer reads cusps. I personally and professionally find the cusp energy important because of how we see energetic cycles take place in nature. Like the seasons, and like aging, one energy gradually becomes another. I can’t think of any concrete example in nature where something transforms in an instant from one thing to another thing. Likewise, Zodiacal energy gradually shifts. As we progress through Pisces, it slowly becomes infused with Aries. The cusp placements merge the two Zodiac expressions that border each other.
The lunar eclipse took place on the full moon on September 18th, with the Sun located on the Virgo/Libra cusp (where the south node is currently located) and the Moon located on the Pisces/Aries cusp (where the north node is currently located).
The solar eclipse will take place on October 2nd. During this eclipse, the Sun, Moon, and Mercury will all align with the south node in the beginning stage of Libra.
How to Navigate this Eclipse Season
This eclipse season is highlighting our identity, who we think we are, our sense of self, and how our identity affects our role in relationships. There’s a really cool energy that happens at the Pisces/Aries cusp that is around birthing a new identity and developing a truer sense of who you are. Sometimes, embracing a new identity can be challenging because those we are in a relationship with know us to play a certain role. When we embrace a new part of ourselves that calls us to change how we show up in our lives, you can bet that it will affect our relationships.
That’s the main theme of this eclipse season. Do you feel aligned with your current identity and the roles you play in your relationships? Or do you feel like you’re wearing an old mask, and there’s more truth to who you are underneath that’s being activated? Perhaps you’re scared to embrace this deeper truth because you know it will require you to have some conversations, make some changes, and no longer show up as the old version of you.
How do we step forward as a version of us that we’ve never been before? And how do we navigate the thoughts and opinions of others in our lives? The south node’s position reveals that negating yourself for the sake of your relationships is the past pattern that we need to leave behind, and the north node’s position in Aries calls us into self-empowerment. If you feel a stirring inside of you to step into a truer identity, you are actually serving everyone by doing so, even if it means you have to navigate some sticky feelings or opinions from others by making the change.
As stated earlier, you can’t really evolve towards the north node without embracing your fear. Don’t let fear stop you from growing and expanding your sense of self. Yes, it will feel foreign. Yes, it will call you into new experiences of not only how you experience yourself but how you experience yourself in the world. You’re flowing with the cosmic currents by stepping into a truer identity, and you're flowing against the currents if you choose to let your previous roles and relationships keep you stagnant in your current identity that no longer feels aligned.
What's also interesting about this eclipse season is that Mercury is aligning with the Sun and south node, catching up in its orbit after the retrograde cycle in August. Think back to the month of August. Were there any shifts in your perception about how you've been living your life? Did you get any new ideas or insights? Like maybe you received new information about your job that got you thinking about making a shift in your career. Or maybe you had a great idea about something you want to do in your life. I'm expecting that insights/new information/perceptions shifts that happened during this past Mercury Retrograde in August are coming back around during this eclipse season to be implemented.
Self-empowerment and trust are two concepts that I invite you to focus on to ease your journey through this cosmic chapter. If you’re feeling a call towards a new direction right now, that’s coming from the heart & soul. If you’re feeling misaligned with your current identity on some level of your life and know that a new expression of yourself is coming through, you’re in service to everyone by embracing this new expression. You will never create and live a life that is fulfilling, joyful, and full of purpose if you aren't showing up as your authentic self.
So many of us settle for situations and circumstances in our lives, telling ourselves that they are good enough. By doing so, we reject the possibility and potential of living and creating a better life full of all the wonderful things most of us desire, like meaningful relationships, abundance, passion, and happiness. Wouldn't this entire world be a better place if more people were living lives that were full of these wonderful things? Why wouldn't you choose that for yourself if it's an option? Eclipse season is a reckoning with the Soul on how you've been evolving, and this eclipse season asks you to assert yourself in greater truth and let your relationships change as they need to.
How This Eclipse Season Affects You
How this collective cosmic dynamic affects you personally depends entirely on your natal chart. Where were the lunar nodes when you were born? What are the planetary aspects to your lunar nodes? How does the placement of your lunar nodes interact with the placement of the lunar nodes now? Are the current positions of the lunar nodes touching any of your natal planetary positions? The natal chart is a deeply complex layering of energy and can reveal significant patterns and dynamics that support you in navigating this time and walking your soul path.
I use Astrology specifically as a tool for soul exploration, embodiment, and expression. I believe we all have something profound to offer this world, and we can only do that if we are true to who we are. Check out my additional resources below if you’re seeking soul clarity and understanding and want to explore your lunar node dynamics to make the most of this life.
Additional Resources
As an Astrologer and Energy Coach, the purpose of my work is not only to interpret celestial dynamics but to help you align your energy with your heart and Soul and harmonize with the cosmic currents present. Your energy creates your life. If you're soul searching right now or seeking starlit guidance to work with this eclipse season, I have two offerings to support you.
Feeling ALL of this 💯💯💯